(Tharawo Igilethi)
Rodney Warnakula
U. Ariyawimal
Lyricist: Lucian Bulathsinghala Musician: Gunadasa Kapuge
Fm / m4-48c

සෝභාව දේ මෙපුර - Dm (Orig Key: Fm)

Select New Pitch:   Ab    A    Bb    B    C    C#    D    Eb    E    F    F#    G 

|Dm F

sooBaawe dhee - mEpure siri wisithuru balenu mithuru

|C Dm

mage piyekaru wuu

| F C Dm

susudhu waLaa kzreLi paLeseki mee - mage dhige zthiruu

| C Dm

ahase suurene mzdhuru

| Bb C F

paare dhEpzththee soNdhuru salpil wele dhEwlowe nzthi

| Dm

szpe wikuNannee

| F C Dm

nuweru risi risi dhee gEne masuran thaMbeyete dhEnnee

| C Dm

nibaNdhe sithe LathewEnnee


|F Dm

jeeththukaare liyan gathe wiLewun muhuNe siMbinnaa

| Bb C Dm

saateke dhuhule iran naarilathaa mal puudhinnaa

|F Bb C

dhzzsin amethene bas wzsunu dhorak wiwere kerannee

| Am Dm

ELipite zthe awekELi kisiwEku mzsiwili nokiyannee


|F Dm

szNekELi puraa haNdhee nikini awanhal pibidhEnnaa

| Bb C Dm

zsuuwan dhuk sindhene gii sindhu sawene pinannaa

|F Bb C

sathe hate sEthe saLesaa athekin maDhuwithe purewannee

| Am Dm

sawudhiye purene LaNdhath rakusu nEthak paaLu kapannee


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